George Zimmerman To Fight The Game Or DMX - George Zimmerman Professional Fighting

George Zimmerman To Fight The Game Celebrity MatchGeorge Zimmerman is a celebrity?
Zimmerman seems to be mocking his potential opponents and said he is open to just about anyone. "I don't have a preference (on opponent) as long is it goes to charity, doesn't matter to me." The confident Zimmerman also added, "Hopefully someone that won't hurt me too bad!"
You remember the bum that shot a black teenager for wearing a hoodie because after he was told not to pursue him by law enforcement, he did, felt threatened, shot and killed him? Since then, Zimmerman has gotten plenty of media exposure and white people all over America hailed him as a super hero and protested all over the internet that he should not be punished for this act. Because everyone could see how the 16 year old teenager deserved to be shot because he was a thug. I mean after all, what was he really doing wearing a hoodie anyway? Oh, that's right, he was buying Skittles from a local corner store. Racial conversation sparked all over the internet and black people were supposedly overreacting.
The all white, with the exception for one Latino juror, let the murderer get off. Later we heard that the Latino didn't feel right about letting him get off, but she was persuaded by the other white jurors. We know it's no secret that Florida is one of the most racist states in the United States. This made popular icons like Madonna decide it was time to boycott Disney World. The motive was nice and the publicity was good, however, this movement quickly died.
The Zimmerman case revolved around the fact that George Zimmerman was physically unable to defend himself against a 16 year old child, so he shot him in self defense because, as he puts it, he was fearing for his life. The 16 year old boy was unarmed. Even his trainer argued that brittle Zimmerman could have easily lost the fight with the teenager and been in serious trouble. Media and white people protested heavily on the internet on websites like YouTube and made videos of why Zimmerman was innocent. It's almost as if their was some secret war against black people by an organized group. I was under the misguided illusion that racism was just about over and people these days would be more interested in justice than race. But the internet proved me totally wrong.
Defenseless Zimmerman, who was highly trained in combat and martial arts at the time he murdered Trayvon Martin, has agreed to take part in a celebrity fight night event. Rappers, DMX and The Game[/i], have already volunteered to fight the martial artist. As Zimmerman tells the story, "It was my idea. Boxing isn't new to me. It's something I had picked up well before the incident and it's something that I liked, I enjoyed, and I kept up with it and I was able to lose a tremendous amount of weight and get a healthy lifestyle."
George Zimmerman To Fight The Game Celebrity Match
The Game, who has an image of Trayvon Martin tattooed on his leg, told TMZ he would definitely jump into the ring with Zimmerman. "I will beat the F--k out of him... I would not be boxing for me. I'd be boxing for the legacy of Trayvon Martin and for his family." The Game also adds, "I want to show him you can solve your dispute without a weapon." DMX also wants a piece of Zimmerman. He says it's for "every black person who has been done wrong in the legal system." DMX warns he would have no regard for any rules and also threatened to urinate on his opponent if he wins.
So now the word is out about what can happen to white people when they kill innocent black people. Become famous, idolized a super hero and be the showcase of celebrity events. Congratulations Zimmerman. I'm so happy that after killing that poor child, your life seems to be going so well for you now. Thanks legal system. Police wonder why black people hate cops, judges or people associated with the law... maybe it's because black people feel that the legal system has been against them since the inception of this country. Actually, since before the inception of this country, if you can wrap your head around that. Does anyone remember the 14 year old black child, George Stinney, who was put to death by electric chair for a murder that was never proven?
George Zimmerman To Fight The Game Celebrity Match
George Zimmerman To Fight The Game Celebrity Match
George Zimmerman To Fight The Game Celebrity Match
The update on this story is that George Zimmerman won't be fighting due to the promoter receiving heat from the public. But George Zimmerman is hungry to get into the ring and now has a new promoter. He wants to call the fight back on. But I hope people don't support this. I suggest boycotting any agency or business that allows this terrible event to take place.
George Zimmerman's defense was rested solely on the fact that he was an inexperienced weakling who couldn't defend himself. And now he wants to prove himself as a professional fighter, which shows no respect at all for the teenager he killed that terrible night we all remember. He shouldn't be allowed to turn his infamous name into a celebrity behind this terrible event. I hope that people are not this stupid to let this slide by. George Zimmerman is a child of the devil. He should not have the chance to live a good life. He is a killer who got off because of a racist jury! Please remember that!
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