Fat Joe gives his irrelevant opinion about Colin Kaepernick
protesting the national anthem, which is essentially racist towards
black people. He says he's not cool with Karpernick sitting down during
the Star-Spangled Banner. "Having thought abotu it, I ain't with
protesting the #National Anthem. Soldiers died fighting 4 our freedom
not cops. Why disrespected them?"
Fat Joe claims that he is blacker than most black people. Why? Is it because he knows how to dress simple? Raps? Perhaps dates black women? Does he uphold stereotypes that are said of black people and somehow feel that is his black card? So tell Fat Joe... tell us... what makes you so black?
What he doesn't realize is that the National Anthem doesn't celebrate
the victory of African descendants. It actually speaks of keeping them
weaker, as if they were fighting for their right to mistreat black
people and keep them enslaved. Now we are expected to honor the anthem.
Talk about your dose of crazy.
The problem with Fat Joe could purely be intellect. Perhaps he
doesn't realize that the National Anthem is racist and doesn't even know
the lyrics of the song. He probably just heard people say that it was
commemorating war heroes.
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth waveO’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
If you ask me, the National Anthem is talking about slaves not being
saved from their death. So the way I see it, in order for Fat Joe to
support these lyrics, must mean that he is all for white supremacy. I'm
shaking my head. But he is not alone. Many disappointing blacks came out
and stood up for the National Anthem not being disrespected and some
even called for a public apology. I could understand their silence and
saying nothing, but to go against a stand that was morally sound is
maddening. This is actually part of the reason why I don't take
celebrities seriously. They all have masters and serve the corporate
giants who sign their paychecks.
Let's remember who Fat Joe is. He is a street gangster rapper who has
rapped about killing Blacks and Latinos in his rap lyrics. He has never
stood up for people of color. But after becoming relevant for a
somewhat short period of time, he now wants to fuss and complain about a
fed up man not standing up for the anthem. Fat Joe has proven himself
as a foe, not a friend of the people or our movements. And he is not
really a good rapper. I'm just saying.
Perhaps the backlash from being vocally against the protest resulted in the
rapper’s deleting of the tweet depicting his stance, or maybe he
realized he needed more time to think out his opinions on the matter.
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