Do The Celebrities Care About Trayvon Martin?

I have to admit. I was very disappointed about the lack of celebrity interest in the Trayvon Martin case. Especially black celebs. It seems like more non black celebrities actually gave a crap than black celebrities. I understand that black celebrities are scared to touch racism because they can easily lose a large fan base, but if you close your mouths about issues that are going on, you are really just selling your soul. It's not worth it.

I would like to see more black celebrities actually get involved with things like this when it happens because they actually have a voice that can help to change things for the better. Like they say, "If you stand for nothing then you will fall for anything." Black people have made Fifty Cent, Nicki Minaj, and countless other black celebrities rich... even superstars such as Eminem even though he is not black.

I believe that when celebs decide not to get involved with issues that affect black people or people in general, then they don't deserve to sell concert tickets, movie tickets or record albums. That's just my thought on the matter. Because if we don't matter to them then they should not matter to us. People can make such a huge difference just by choosing whether or not to support these people. It's so sad that no one seems to care or get involved. But props to Jay Z, Beyonce and the few others that did choose to have a voice. But it is still not enough.

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