Suzanne Somers Talking Politics Recklessness Obama Care

Suzanne Somers Talking Politics Recklessness Obama Care
Didn't Suzanne Summers star as the dumb stupid blond on Three's Company? Now she is talking politics? Wow! This seems to be the best that Republicans can do these days. Maybe Suzanne Summers better stick with her day job! Wait a minute, she hasn't had day jobs lately... I forgot. Maybe she is the last person I would ever take a political advice from. Some people have all the nerve.

What Suzanne wrote:
Affordable care will allow for pre-existing conditions. That’s the good part for retirees. But, let’s get down and dirty; the word “affordable” is a misnomer. So far, all you are hearing on the news is how everyone’s premiums are doubling and tripling and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to recognize that the whole thing is a big mess.

And then there is another consideration: It’s the dark underbelly of the Affordable Care Act reminiscent of what Lenin and Churchill both said. Lenin: “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state.” Churchill: “Control your citizens’ health care and you control your citizens.”

Either Somers is a liar or here blog is just proof of what a real ditz she really is. Her quotes were inaccurate and her views couldn't be more foolish. Churchill would have favored the new healthcare structure, not warn of its negative effect.
My views. Somers, you were a blond dimwit on television and now you have proven you are a blond dimwit in real life. And that's all I got to say! As for the Wallstreet Journal. Now I know I can't take these guys seriously to print such rubbish!

Remember Janet? She was the pretty one on the show Threes Company (One of my favorite sitcoms as a child)!

Suzanne Somers plastic surgery gone very wrong. Yuck!

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