Is President Obama Too Soft?
Pres. Obama seems like he is too soft to some people. In fact, you know something, I want you to defend your position. I the thing that I have to mention here is that Obama is neither friend or foe and thus the biggest problem that I have with Obama.
Now, I mean, far be it for me to criticize him for having may be a bad day offer maybe even perhaps being out of it. He's human. Please allow that right. But what was emphasized in that whole spectrum to me is that if you could be that lacks, and so out of it during your own debate at a time of importance, then how so was it that I should expect for you in my time of importance to act any different. This is not to negate Obama.
This is not to thrash Obama. This is simply an acknowledgment of what has been witnessed by me since Obama has been in office. Why am I so critical if he was white, Caucasian, I would not be as critical, because I expect more than other super critical as if it were my own father. My own brother. My own cousin, my own uncle. My own grandfather myself. I'm going to be more critical, because I expect more. That's why I'm so critical of Pres. Obama. I know he didn't create all the mess economically and otherwise, that America is in. However, he is to maintain some responsibility for it.
Having remained as such, and I would expect that to this term, it will especially since this is his last term, he should do his best to see to it that it's not the exact redundancy of what belied last term. He secede to with an iron hand that things that did not get done will definitely get done, especially for the minority group show them all that the minority persuasion is valid. They do count. They are here and they do matter!
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