Hot Water Challenge - Prank Almost Leaves Brother Dead

Don't try this at home. Hot water challenge gone wrong!

Before you persecute this little girl for her ignorance, try and understand that this was not something that was done out of malicious actions, but this was done as a fun prank for amusement. It then went horribly wrong. But when do our amusements go too far? When does it become the responsibility of websites to make sure that the wrong content does not trend?

This little girl had no idea that pouring scolding water on her brother would cause him to scar for the rest of his life. She thought it was a prank that everybody would laugh. Poor child. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Try and stomach the part of him screaming after being stunned with scolding hot boiling water. We need to watch what we let trend on the internet. It's our responsibility.  
A disturbing new video warns of the dangers of internet challenges where people are encouraged to film themselves doing different acts, from funneling alcohol at speed to swallowing a spoonful of cinnamon without water. 
The clip, which appeared online this week from an unknown source, sees a young girl boiling a pan of water, taking it outside and throwing it over her unsuspecting brother from behind.
'Hot Water Challenge y'all,' she informs viewers in an American accent. But her enthusiasm is cut short, as the scolding liquid causes her brother to fall to the ground and shout out in extreme pain.

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