Socket Ball Power Generator Lights The Way
Cool Soccer Games can change the world we live in. There is an amazing new soccer ball called Socket, that creates electricity off of fun activity. If humans had this mindset one hundred years ago, then we may not even be facing global warming these days. It's funny how are thinking can change the world and advance technology rapidly in a positive way.
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesKinetic energy of rotating objects are analogous to linear kinetic energy and can be expressed in terms of "moment of inertia and angular velocity. The total kinetic energy of an extended object can be expressed as the sum of the translational kinetic energy of central mass. The importance of play is essential to how people use a soccer ball to light the way by playing cool soccer games.Jessica Matthews, 25 year old co founder of "Uncharted Play," wants you to "imagine a world where the sun goes down, that's the end of your day as well. You can no longer see" anything. "That is the reality for 1.3 billion people - practically one-fifth of the world - and one that we want to solve." Guess what? The problem was solved.In 2008, Jessica Matthews and Julia Silverman, juniors at Harvard University, were paired together in an engineering class for non-engineers. What the professor challenged them to do was to create something that combined art and science to ease a global problem. Socket is a soccer ball that transforms kinetic energy into a power lamp. It's quite simple how it works. You play cool soccer games for only about a half an hour, and you have a lamp that will last you at least three hours. That's a cool source of energy and sounds like fun to use. Now kids everywhere who don't have electricity have a reason to play cool soccer games.

Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesJessica Mathews said that "No one was paying attention to the importance of play." Today cool soccer games can light the way for millions of people around the world who would otherwise have no choice but to be blind once the sun goes down. "Amplifying existing enjoyment to make the world a better place," sounds divine and is exactly how Jessica Matthews described their idea.
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesWhat they do is pack their technology into an airless soccer ball that looks and moves like a normal soccer ball. Ambitious ideas like this are never easy, but prove rewarding. Cool Soccer Games can help people to see the light. The engineers from MIT and Harvard told them it was impossible at that time. That didn't cause them to quit. In fact, it propelled them to make the idea work.
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesSo how do you power a lamp by playing cool soccer games? They stuffed a shake the charge flashlight in a hamster ball and shook it around. Once they did this, the light was charged. They then took the prototype out in the world and tested it. 10 year old kids were playing cool soccer games in the fields, cool soccer games in the playground and cool soccer games on slabs of concrete, all over the world and places where cool soccer games were fun and popular but electricity was dim.

Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesThe Socket Soccer Ball is highly praised today and in its seventh iteration. It's a highly praised work of art by engineers from all over. Even former President Bill Clinton hailed Jessica Matthews at the Clinton Global Initiative. He said, "If there ever was an innovator, she is it and she up with an idea for clean energy that hardly anyone else has before!"

Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesToday the cool soccer ball - Socket, is distributed in six countries through local non government organizations who ensure that it gets to communities that can benefit the most from the cool soccer ball."In the developing world, the ball becomes a symbol of empowerment," Matthews said. "it's about your happiness in the now (cool soccer games), and a hope for a better tomorrow."

Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer games
Cool Soccer Games can change the world we live in. There is an amazing new soccer ball called Socket, that creates electricity off of fun activity. If humans had this mindset one hundred years ago, then we may not even be facing global warming these days. It's funny how are thinking can change the world and advance technology rapidly in a positive way.
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesKinetic energy of rotating objects are analogous to linear kinetic energy and can be expressed in terms of "moment of inertia and angular velocity. The total kinetic energy of an extended object can be expressed as the sum of the translational kinetic energy of central mass. The importance of play is essential to how people use a soccer ball to light the way by playing cool soccer games.Jessica Matthews, 25 year old co founder of "Uncharted Play," wants you to "imagine a world where the sun goes down, that's the end of your day as well. You can no longer see" anything. "That is the reality for 1.3 billion people - practically one-fifth of the world - and one that we want to solve." Guess what? The problem was solved.In 2008, Jessica Matthews and Julia Silverman, juniors at Harvard University, were paired together in an engineering class for non-engineers. What the professor challenged them to do was to create something that combined art and science to ease a global problem. Socket is a soccer ball that transforms kinetic energy into a power lamp. It's quite simple how it works. You play cool soccer games for only about a half an hour, and you have a lamp that will last you at least three hours. That's a cool source of energy and sounds like fun to use. Now kids everywhere who don't have electricity have a reason to play cool soccer games.
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesJessica Mathews said that "No one was paying attention to the importance of play." Today cool soccer games can light the way for millions of people around the world who would otherwise have no choice but to be blind once the sun goes down. "Amplifying existing enjoyment to make the world a better place," sounds divine and is exactly how Jessica Matthews described their idea.
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesWhat they do is pack their technology into an airless soccer ball that looks and moves like a normal soccer ball. Ambitious ideas like this are never easy, but prove rewarding. Cool Soccer Games can help people to see the light. The engineers from MIT and Harvard told them it was impossible at that time. That didn't cause them to quit. In fact, it propelled them to make the idea work.
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesSo how do you power a lamp by playing cool soccer games? They stuffed a shake the charge flashlight in a hamster ball and shook it around. Once they did this, the light was charged. They then took the prototype out in the world and tested it. 10 year old kids were playing cool soccer games in the fields, cool soccer games in the playground and cool soccer games on slabs of concrete, all over the world and places where cool soccer games were fun and popular but electricity was dim.
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesThe Socket Soccer Ball is highly praised today and in its seventh iteration. It's a highly praised work of art by engineers from all over. Even former President Bill Clinton hailed Jessica Matthews at the Clinton Global Initiative. He said, "If there ever was an innovator, she is it and she up with an idea for clean energy that hardly anyone else has before!"

Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer gamesToday the cool soccer ball - Socket, is distributed in six countries through local non government organizations who ensure that it gets to communities that can benefit the most from the cool soccer ball."In the developing world, the ball becomes a symbol of empowerment," Matthews said. "it's about your happiness in the now (cool soccer games), and a hope for a better tomorrow."
Socket soccer ball allows you to play cool soccer games
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